INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 1 - Pistol Training Course
Service Description
MMI INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 1 PISTOL LOCATION: MMI TACTICAL SHOOTING RANGE - WEST ODESSA, TX DURATION: 6 HOURS ***THIS COURSE IS A PRE-REQUISITE TO BOOK INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 2 PISTOL ***IT IS RECOMMENDED FOR NEW SHOOTERS TO HAVE TAKEN THE NRA BASICS OF PISTOL SHOOTING COURSE PRIOR TO ATTENDANCE TO THIS LEVEL 1 PISTOL COURSE This pistol training course is MMI Tacticals' introductory course to modern combative pistol shooting & fundamentals. The course is designed to provide the entry to mid level shooter with a good understanding of firearms safety & the core skills of combative handgun employment. The Intermediate Level 1 pistol course covers fundamentals of combat pistol marksmanship and is designed to improve and enhance basic shooter skills. Shooters should have basic weapons handling skills acquired and ready to improve their shooting techniques. Selected shooting evolutions will challenge shooters to successfully engage targets while under stress. Topics: - Malfunctions and remediation drills - Flash Sight Picture - Use of Cover - Moving into Cover - Low-Light Shooting Practical - One Hand Shooting - Administrative, Tactical and Emergency Reloads - Shooting Skill Maintenance Gear To Bring - 250 Rounds Pistol Ammunition - Handgun - Holster - No shoulder, cross-draw or appendix-carry holsters - Minimum three magazines - Magazine holders - Belt - Clear wraparound ballistic eye protection - Ear protection - Clothing appropriate for climate and conditions - Water bottle or other hydration system ***The above items are available to rent at an additional cost.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
5000 E University Blvd, Odessa, TX, USA